Manakkal Center For Cancer and Incurables

The Truth about Cancer and Lifestyle


March 21, 2024

5:55 am

The Truth about Cancer and Lifestyle


March 21, 2024

5:55 am

Time : 15min


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    Msmod erat convallis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Msmod erat convallis.

    The Truth about Cancer and Lifestyle

    The human body comprises trillions of tiny cells, like building blocks. Each cell is responsible for a specific function, some make energy, others carry instructions from DNA, and many produce proteins for various tasks. It is a big team effort where every cell plays a crucial role in keeping our body running smoothly and healthy. 

    DNA is a long molecule that serves as the storage and transmission medium for genetic information. It is within the genes where specific genetic information is encoded. It contains the instructions for making proteins or functional RNA molecules.

    Cancer, a term that strikes fear into the hearts of many, is a complex disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Lifestyle, environmental factors, and genetics are often cited as factors contributing to cancer development.

    But in reality cancer develops as a result of changes in the genes that control the growth and death of cells. These changes may occur due to several factors, such as mistakes in DNA replication during cell division, alterations caused by carcinogens ( overexposure to tobacco smoke, UV rays from the sun, etc) in our environment, and, in particular, through the genes inherited from parents. 

    All of these factors alone don’t become the sole reason for cancer. Each of them contributes to its growth, and most often, it’s the combination of these elements that results in cancer. Let’s explore how each of these contributes to cancer development.

     Genetic and Hereditary Factors:

    Genetic mutations and hereditary factors are the two main cancer-causing elements. There are hundreds of DNA and Genetic changes that can be a cause of the development of cancer. These changes occur due to several reasons, from random errors during cell growth to exposure to environmental carcinogens. 

    The environmental factors encompass ultraviolet rays from sunlight, specific viruses, emissions from automobile exhaust, and cigarette smoke.  Any of these factors can affect the DNA and cause genetic changes at any stage of life, regardless of age or gender.

    However, not all genetic changes lead to cancer, and not all are harmful. Scientists suggest that more than one DNA change must occur for healthy cells to turn into cancerous cells. But, certain changes that accumulate over the years can also turn into harmful ones. 

    DNA mutation, point mutation, chromosomal rearrangement, and epigenetic changes are a few genetic changes that cause cancer. This includes rearrangement and deletion of DNA segments, as well as alterations in the sequence of DNA nucleotides. Epigenetic changes can happen due to exposure to chemicals in the environment, such as smoke, cadmium, and viruses like the Epstein-Barr virus. 

    Is cancer hereditary? Yes, although cancer can’t be inherited as such, the genetic mutations can be passed down from the parents.  For instance, if a parent passes down mutated BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes to their offspring, that child will have a much greater risk of developing cancer. The risks increase twofold if he/she grows up in an unhealthy environment and is exposed to harmful substances like tobacco, alcohol, and other carcinogens.

    Some of the most common cancers affected by genetic changes include breast cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, and prostate cancer.

     Environmental and Lifestyle Factors: 

    Although cancers result from multiple mutations in the gene, it’s important to note that it’s not always an inherited defect. Environmental factors and lifestyle choices significantly influence cancer development. Lifestyle factors encompass dietary habits, smoking, alcohol consumption, and exposure to certain infections. While hereditary causes may not be controllable or preventable, lifestyle-related factors can be managed to some extent.

    Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and a diet high in processed foods, and red meat, and low in fruits and vegetables are linked to an increased risk of various cancers, particularly colorectal cancer, lung, mouth, throat, and liver cancer.

    Lifestyle changes that can lower the risk of cancer and help in reducing the discomfort and suffering during cancer include: 

    • Adopting a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help boost the immune system and promote overall health. 
    • Regular exercise can improve physical and emotional well-being during and after cancer treatment.
    • For individuals with a history of smoking or excessive alcohol consumption, quitting these habits can improve overall health conditions. 

    In short, cancer is a disease influenced by a combination of genetic factors and lifestyle choices. Neither factor solely determines its occurrence; rather, the convergence of inherited mutated genes and the impact of environmental factors and excessive consumption of medications, contribute to its development. It’s important to recognize that the presence of a few risk factors does not guarantee the onset of cancer, but rather, it is the combination of multiple influences that potentially leads to its manifestation.

    Advancements in medical science have provided multiple treatment options, many of which can adversely affect patients after treatment and still may not result in a complete cure. Where as homeopathy emphasizes on body’s innate ability to heal itself and aims to restore balance by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms. In treating cancer, homeopathy offers an approach centered on identifying and treating the underlying genetic abnormalities, rather than merely reducing symptoms. In this way, homeopathy aims to not only suppress the immediate symptoms of cancer but also to address its root causes, offering patients a path towards complete recovery.